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Enjoy the ride

Always enjoying the ride!

The winners of Protest’s ‘Enjoy the ride’ campaign reveal their epic content..

Back in November we have asked you to pitch us your dream trip. We have been so overwhelmed by all your awesome entries! Two lucky participants won the dream trip of a lifetime, that’s one snow trip and one surf trip. We’ve enjoyed reading all the pitches and it’s been so hard choosing just two entries. But we have chosen! The winners are; Yorick Leusink for the winter snow trip and Riemkje Poortinga for the summer surf trip!


Yorick Leusink
Yorick inspired us with his ideas for his winter trip. He joined the Nomads bus in its journey to Tromso, northern Norway. For those of you not yet acquainted with the Nomads bus, this is a travelling hostel on wheels, taking its inhabitants to backcountry destinations in Norway, using roads less travelled. Yorick spent 10 days hiking and snowboarding inside the polar circle. His visual accounts of his adventures are amazing. When Yorick isn’t searching for fresh pow, he’s an adventure film maker, shooting surf, snow and kite videos. Yorick’s content will be coming to you this winter.


Enjoytheride bus

Riemkje Poortinga
Our winner of the surf trip was Riemkje Poortinga, a boarder and the founder of BoardChick. She knew exactly where she wanted to go to create her dream content. A land far off the beaten path. Sri Lanka. A place of pristine nature, palm trees, crystal clear water, epic waves and an empty line up. And she brought her friend along for the ride. The two girlfriends spent their days on the island travelling to wherever the swell was good. During her trip Riemkje captured some amazing content, content that transports you to her island paradise. Her content went out on all our social channels in early June.


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